239期: Kraftwerk,Pinknruby,King Krule

239期: Kraftwerk,Pinknruby,King Krule

2017-05-23    86'42''

主播: he_song

344 22

1. Dead Can Dance - Agape 2. Lou Reed - Coney Island Baby 3. Billy McLaughlin - Helms Place 4. Pinknruby - Jakdo 5. Paul McCartney - Let 'Em In 6. Chimp Beams - Menina 7. Silver Apples - Missin You 8. Astronauts, etc - Mystery Colors 9. Jon Hassell - Nature Boy 10. Lone Electrone - One, two, tree 11. Stripmall Architecture - Pripyat 12. Wave Racer - Ryan Must Be Destroyed 13. Thud - She's a Loner 14. King Krule - The Noose of Jah City 15. Tarja Turunen - The Phantom Of The Opera 16. Kraftwerk - The Robots 17. Vangelis - Theme From Antarctica 18. KRNE - Wolves