小主播:刘晶晶(Julia Liu)四年级
小熊发现了一个盒子,他觉得那是个很棒的盒子,并且相信小老鼠也会像他一样喜欢这个盒子,可是当他 和其它动物们分享时,动物们冷淡的反应让小熊开始怀疑自己,这个盒子真有他想得这么好吗?小老鼠会像他一样发现并喜欢这个盒子吗?献给有独特眼光,献给能 看见平凡事物中不平凡的精彩,充满想象力,与坚持自己想法的孩子。
简单的故事内容、简约的绘画线条,却构筑出一个相当有深度的故事,这 个故事让孩子学会看事务可以有不同的角度,学会与人分享的快乐,学习珍贵的想象力及创意,更学会如何在他人都不认同的环境下,坚持自己最初的意念。作者也 藉由小熊生动的表情,完整的传递了小熊当下的心情,进而感染每一个捧书阅读的小读者心中最柔软的情感。
Pleased to find a small, empty box, Bear calls it "the greatest thing ever" and decides to take it to his friend Mouse. Along the way, he meets Monkey, Owl, Fox, Elephant, Squirrel, and Rabbit, but no one really appreciates his find. Bear begins to doubt his earlier enthusiasm, but Mouse has the last say when he looks inside the little box. "It is the greatest thing ever," he tells his friend. "Thank you, Bear."