

2015-08-03    05'43''

主播: 刘晶晶

63 4

小主播:Victoria Chang(常家旖)三年级 Let's Go For a Drive - 我们一起去兜风 Written by Mo Willems Published by Hyperion Books for Children, an imprint of Disney Book Group. 故事提要 小猪和小象是好朋友。有一天,小象想和小猪一起去兜风。他们准备了地图,墨镜,雨伞和旅行包。可是他们没有车。他们没有车怎么能兜风呢? Summary: Little pig and little elephant are best friends. One day, little elephant wanted to go for a drive with little pig. They prepared map, sunglasses, umbrellas and bags. But they don't have a car. How can they go for a drive without a car?