【超级口语十分钟|Managers 管理者】

【超级口语十分钟|Managers 管理者】

2019-05-07    08'51''

主播: 超级学长

266 4

问题:Do you think managers can be friends with their subordinates? I think it largely depends on the size of the company. For multibillion-dollar corporations, managers should keep their distance with their subordinates in order to avoid the spreading of rumors and gossips. I mean, let’s say if a manager was too close with one of his employees and this employee got a raise or a promotion, then other employees would think that there’s some unethical things going on here. But for small startups, managers actually have to form strong and bonding relationships with their subordinates, because they need the energy and passion to make the business succeed, and a good way for managers to get that energy from their subordinates is by making them feel at home. So managers of different companies just need to have different strategies of dealing with their subordinates. 重点词汇 multibillion adj. rumor/gossip n. raise n. promotion n. unethical adj. startup n. bonding adj. passion n. 数十亿的 谣言,流言 加薪 升职 违反职业道德的 初创企业 亲密的(关系) 热情、激情 keep distance feel at home 保持距离 有归属感 那么这就是我们今天所有的内容,今天讲的Part3问题是,管理者可以和他们的下属成为朋友吗? 关注超级学长,更多雅思口语音频等你来听!