【超级口语十分钟| Advertisement 广告】

【超级口语十分钟| Advertisement 广告】

2019-05-23    02'07''

主播: 超级学长

268 0

问题: Will people buy a product because of an advertisement? 高分回答: Most of the time, no. I think very few people react immediately and buy stuff because of an advertisement, because people simply don’t put their active attention onto them. But that’s not the main purpose of advertisements anyways. From a psychology standpoint, advertisements are primarily designed as a tool toexploit people’s subconscious mind and subtlyinfluence people’s shopping behavior. They give you some exposure to their products so that you will think of them later down the line. Like, when Coca-Cola makes its commercials, it’s not expecting everyone torush out and buy a bottle of Coke immediately, but rather, it’s simply trying to leave a shallow impression in our minds, so that we will think of buying a Coke, you know, like, every now and then.  语料积累 重点词汇 exploit  v. 充分利用 subconscious  adj. 潜意识的 subtly  adv. 难以察觉地 exposure  n. 接触 高分表达 put active attention onto 主动把注意力放在 later down the line 在未来的某一刻 rush out 冲出去 every now and then 偶尔、时不时地 关注超级学长,更多雅思音频等你来听!