【英语简明新闻】Headline News 2015 April 2

【英语简明新闻】Headline News 2015 April 2

2015-04-02    04'45''

主播: EZFM齐智

627 54

Death toll of Kenya university attack rises to 8 The death toll of an armed attack on a university in northern Kenya has risen to 15, with an unknown number are reported injured. Kenyan officials say the government has mobilized security forces to engage the masked gunmen, suspected to be from the Al-Shabaab militant group. There are fears of mass casualties and gunmen are said to be still in the compound. More than 30 students have reportedly fled to safety while others who escaped with injuries are receiving treatment for gunshot wounds. Gunmen kill 10 soldiers in Egypt's Sinai At least 10 soldiers have been killed and 17 others wounded in a series of armed attacks on checkpoints in Egypt's Sinai Peninsula. It's reported that unidentified militants fired automatic rifles and rockets on two checkpoints on the road leading to Sheikh Zuweid city. At least 15 militants are reportedly killed by security forces. No group has claimed responsibility for the attacks yet. But Sinai Peninsula has seen a spate of attacks on security forces since the ouster of Islamist President Mohamed Morsi by the army in 2013. Russian trawler sinks off Kamchatka with 54 dead A Russian trawler has sunk off the Kamchatka peninsula in Russia's Far East, with 54 sailors said to be dead. 63 others have been rescued, many suffering from hypothermia. The freezer trawler with 132 on board went down in the sea of Okhotsk. Russian emergency services say drifting ice may have caused the sinking. The trawler is said to have sunk in just 15 minutes. Some two dozen ships are involved in the search for any remaining survivors. However, the odds of survival are minimal, as temperatures in the water are just above freezing. Myanmar apologizes to China over warplane bombing Myanmar has formally apologized to China over a Myanmar warplane bombing that killed five Chinese in southwest China's Yunnan province last month. Myanmar's Foreign Minister U Wunna Maung Lwin is paying a visit to China as Myanmar President U Thein Sein's special envoy to discuss the aftermath of the bombing. He offered the apology during talks with his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi. He also pledged compensation for the five killed Chinese and another eight injured. The bombing incident occurred when Myanmar government forces were battling ethnic armed groups in northern Myanmar, which borders China's Yunnan province. China's first biomass-solar power plant begins initial operation China's first biomass-solar power plant, the Zhejiang Longquan Biomass Power Plant, starts its first phase of operation today. The plant boasts a total installed capacity of producing 162 million kilowatt-hours of electricity a year. To reach the capacity, the generators need to consume 250-thousand tonnes of biomass fuel, which is processed from agricultural waste. The plant will also see the installation of its 1.44-megawatt solar power generation system later this month. The solar unit is expected to go into operation 4 months later. 44 tourist attractions lose shine amid industry overhaul A number of highly rated Chinese tourist attractions have fallen from grace after a crackdown on irregularities in the industry. The country's tourism authorities stripped 44 tourist attractions of their 2A or 3A ratings. Among them are 16 sites in east China's Shandong Province and Meitianya Tropical Ocean World in the famous resort city of Sanya. China adopts a five-tier tourist attraction rating system based on criteria such as the importance of the site, transportation, and sanitation. 1A is the lowest and 5A the best. Iran Nuclear Negotiations extended yet another day Members of the so-called P5+1 group and Iran negotiated into the early hours of Thursday on Tehran's nuclear program two days past their deadline. Negotiations have been extended for yet another day. Diplomats involved are saying that prospects for a preliminary agreement remain finely balanced between success and collapse. The negotiations, aimed at blocking Iran's capacity to build a nuclear bomb in exchange for lifting sanctions, have become bogged down over crucial details of the accord, even as the broad outlines of an agreement have been reached. U.S. pledges support to Nigeria in fight against extremist group U.S. President Barack Obama has pledged continuing U.S. support to Nigeria and its regional partners in the fight against extremist group Boko Haram. Obama has held separate telephone talks with outgoing Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan and President-Elect Muhammadu Buhari. Obama also encouraged both leaders to work together to unify the country.