

2015-12-08    04'38''

主播: 跟Sandy学英语看世界

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完整版再来读一遍: In the Warring States period, Mi Yue (Sun Li) is King Chu’s favorite little princess, but after her father’s death, her life fell apart. Her mother was cast out of the palace by the Queen of Chu, and Mi Yue and her brother Mi Rong hid in the palace, avoiding contact with the rest just to be safe from all the evil plottings. Mi Yue had a childhood sweetheart, Zixie. They have been together most of the time during childhood and adolescence . They fall in love because they appreciate each other and enjoy spending time together. However, fate intervened. Mi Yue was sent to the Kingdom of Qin. Her sister Mi Shu became the queen of Qin, while Mi Yue became a consort. After Mi Yue gave birth to her son, her relationship with her sister deteriorated (both began to engage in politics). Later, Mi Yue was sent to the far away state of Yan, but unexpectedly, Mi Shu’s son died, and Qin entered internal turmoil. Mi Yue’s son became the next king of Qin, and Mi Yue became the first empress dowager engaged in politics in the history of China: The Empress Dowager Xuan. 战国时期,芈月是楚威王最宠爱的小公主,但在楚威王死后生活一落千丈,母亲向氏被楚威后逐出宫,芈月和弟弟芈戎躲过了一次次灾难和危机。芈月与楚公子黄歇青梅竹马,真心相爱,但被作为嫡公主芈姝的陪嫁媵侍远嫁秦国。芈姝当上了秦国的王后,芈月不得已成为宠妃。原本的姐妹之情在芈月生下儿子嬴稷以后渐渐分裂。诸子争位,秦王嬴驷抱憾而亡。芈月和儿子被发配到遥远的燕国。不料秦武王嬴荡举鼎而亡,秦国大乱。芈月借义渠军力回到秦国,平定了秦国内乱。芈月儿子嬴稷登基为王,史称秦昭襄王。芈月当上了史上第一个王太后,史称宣太后 the Warring States period战国时期 favorite little princesse最宠爱的小公主 childhood sweetheart 青梅竹马 evil plottings in the palace 宫里的明争暗斗 adolescence 青春期 fate intervened 命运之神的插足 internal turmoil 内乱 deteriorate 关系恶化 empress dowager 太后