

2015-11-17    02'07''

主播: 布莱恩教育

10792 845

【Directions】文稿 Hello, my name is Daniel. And this is e-report. And I am lost. I don’t know where I am. I want to go to the city library. But I do not know how to get from here to there. You know what I really need——a GPS. But, I don’t have one. Or, I need a map. Yes, let’s look for a map. Let’s learn something today about directions on e-report. Uh, that way… When visiting a new city, a person can sometimes get lost. Sometimes the streets or buildings look the same. It can be hard to find the right street name, too. Most streets have signs, but sometimes they are hard to see. When you are lost, you can ask someone for directions. Do you go left or right? How many blocks do you go? But if you can read the map, you can find your way by yourself. You can find the streets and know where they go. Look for city landmarks. They can help you find your way. Other places have maps, too. You can find a map in a mall, or a map of a building, or a map of a park. Maps tell you where things are. Ah, ha. I know where I am. I am at the baseball stadium. Ah-oh, I must have taken the wrong street. This is Daniel for e-report, lost in Seattle.