【听写材料】Landmark in Seattle

【听写材料】Landmark in Seattle

2015-11-17    02'02''

主播: 布莱恩教育

15116 780

【Landmark of Seattle】的文稿 Hello, and welcome to the e-report. My name is Daniel. In every city, there are unusual buildings. Some buildings people live in. Other buildings are museums and others have other uses. Let’s take a look at some of these unusual buildings in the city of Seattle. The Space Needle is a famous landmark in the city of Seattle. The Space Needle is a tower and restaurant. This tower is over 50 years old and is still a popular place to visit. People ride in the elevator to the top of the Space Needle. Then, they can see a beautiful view. Another unusual building is next to the Space Needle. It is the EMP museum. This is a great museum about the history of music and culture. The walls of this building are very round and colorful. This building also has a tunnel through it. A train goes through it. Here is another unusual building. The walls are very straight and made of glass. It looks like a building from the future. This building is the Seattle Public Library. It has eleven floors and a lot of room for books. There are landmarks in many cities around the world. What about your city? Are there unusual buildings or landmarks in your city? This is Daniel for e-report, reporting in Seattle.