Week01 Day04 -- Audrey

Week01 Day04 -- Audrey

2017-03-15    04'46''

主播: 布莱恩教育

7104 183

晨练第一周 第四天 1. You need a lift? 需要送你们一程吗? 2. Your hat is the best hat I’ve ever seen. 你那顶帽子是我见过最美的帽子。 3. You should come over and look at them. 你应该过来看看他们。 4. What are you doing in the middle of the road? 你在马路中央干什么呢? 5. I have come face-to-face with a worst thing in the world! 我面临了全世界最可怕的事。 6. I feel heroic! And handsome! A little wet, but I still look good. I look good. 我觉得自己很英勇!也很帅!虽然有些湿了,但是还是很帅。我看起来棒极了。