Week09 Day02 -- Angela

Week09 Day02 -- Angela

2017-05-15    07'57''

主播: 布莱恩教育

4103 118

第九周 第二天 1、Come on! Keep it moving. 快点,继续走。 2、Do you think you’ll convince them? 你觉得你能说服他们吗? 3、I made it, as promised. 我如约而至。 4、I bet you didn’t know that, did you? 我打赌你肯定不知道吧? 5、You need to head out now. 你现在得出来了。 6、I’m determined to keep my promise. I’m gonna live this life to the fullest. I wanna see the world and enjoy my life. 我决心遵守我的承诺,我要尽情过好每一天。我要去看世界,享受生活。