Week02(下) 听音频真的很重要

Week02(下) 听音频真的很重要

2017-09-23    07'12''

主播: 布莱恩教育

3980 102

1. Who knows what’s gonna happen? 谁知道会怎样? 2. I need all hands on deck right now. 现在我需要大家齐心协力。 3. What an odd thing to say. 这个事情说起来真奇怪。。 4. I want you to take the night shift. 我想你来值夜班。 5. A little tension on the stage tonight. 今晚在台上有点紧张啊。 6. It’s not your job to decide what we do and when we do it. 不用你来决定我们该做什么,什么时候做。 1. Ok, let’s take a vote on it. 好,我们来投票决定吧。 2. Would you excuse us for just one second? 可以让我们单独待会吗? 3. Are we just gonna ignore what happened back there? 刚才发生的事情就这样过去了吗? 4. Why are you yelling at me? 你干嘛冲我喊啊? 5. I need to find somewhere to charge my laptop. 我需要找地方给我的笔记本充电。 6. What could be more important than this? 有什么事情比这个更重要?