Week06 (上) 如何说的又流利又正确?

Week06 (上) 如何说的又流利又正确?

2017-10-24    07'59''

主播: 布莱恩教育

8569 126

听音频要学会暂停。 回味一下,听懂了再继续。 第六周 第一天 1. I made a deal with him. 我和他达成了协议。 2. Let me help take your jackets off. 我来帮你脱掉外套。 3. My mother taught me to always be prepared for anything. 我妈妈教我要永远为一切做好准备。 4. You do not need to answer him. 你不需要回答他。 5. Being an outsider is a good thing. 当个局外人挺好的。 6. I got you a little something for your first day at your new job. 我为你开始新工作的第一天准备了点小礼物。 第六周 第二天 1. I have no idea what you’re talking about. 我不知道你在说什么。 2. Did you finish signing those forms ? 表格填好了么? 3. I don’t know where he is, or what he’s doing. 我不知道他在哪,或者在做什么。 4. His blood pressure’s bottoming out. 他的血压已经降到最低了。 5. Maybe that will be my second career. 或许那可以做我的第二职业。 6. Why do I feel like you’re about to break into song? 我为什么觉得你马上要开口唱歌了?