Week07 (下)【有惊喜】地道又实用

Week07 (下)【有惊喜】地道又实用

2017-11-02    14'08''

主播: 布莱恩教育

4677 96

第3天 1. I’m just gonna need a second. 我只是需要一点时间。 2. We’re just passing through. 我们只是路过。 3. What on earth are you doing? 你到底在搞什么? 4. Don’t tell me you are not intrigued. 别告诉我你不好奇。 5. I’m surprised you didn’t ask for her number? 我很意外你没向她要电话号码? 6. I can remember this year as if it were yesterday. 这一年还恍如昨日,记忆深刻。 第4天 1. Never took you for a cinephile. 从来不知道你是个电影迷。 2. Less talking, more doing. 少说话,多做事。 3. We don’t know how long that will take? 我们不知道那会需要多久? 4. I was actually thinking of you. 其实我想的是你。 5. You haven’t spoken to anyone else about this? 你没跟别人说过这事吧? 6. Don’t worry, we’re professionals. We know what we’re doing. 别担心,我们是专业人员。我们知道我们在做什么。