

2020-10-26    03'51''

主播: Pei你慢成长

91 2

“小暑接大暑,热得无处躲。”进入三伏天(dog days),命都是空调给的。(三伏天为什么叫dog days?) 之前我们讲了小暑的英译是Minor Heat,那“大暑”的英文翻译相应的就是Major Heat了。 大暑是中国传统二十四节气(the 24 traditional Chinese solar terms)中的第十二个节气,也是夏季的最后一个节气。 During Major Heat, most parts of China enter the hottest season of the year. 大暑时节,中国绝大部分地区进入了一年中最热的时段。 大暑时节光照充足、高温多雨的气候条件有利于农作物生长,但酷热和暴雨带来的伏旱和洪涝灾害也给农作物生产带来了严峻的挑战。 Like Minor Heat, many natural calamities such as floods, droughts and typhoons also happen during Major Heat. Therefore, it’s important to harvest and plant in time to avoid setbacks caused by natural disasters. 和小暑节气一样,大暑期间也时常发生洪水、干旱和台风等自然灾害。因此,抓紧时间进行收获和播种,从而规避自然灾害造成的损失,是十分重要的。 大暑节气有哪些习俗和当季美食呢?一起来看看吧。 斗蟋蟀 蟋蟀,古称“促织”,《诗经·七月》中描述蟋蟀“七月在野”,大暑节气,乡村田野中的蟋蟀数量最多。因雄性蟋蟀体型矫健又好斗,民间自古便盛行“斗蟋蟀”。 Cricket fighting is a popular pastime for some people in China during this period. The custom dates back more than 1,000 years to the Tang Dynasty (AD 618-907). “斗蟋蟀”是大暑时节流行的消遣方式。该习俗可追溯到一千多年前的唐代。 吃荔枝和米糟 在大暑这天,福建莆田等地有吃荔枝和米糟来庆祝的传统。 Litchi is a nutritious fruit containing glucose and vitamins. People usually soak litchi in cold well water first and eat it. It is said that litchi during Major Heat is as nourishing as ginseng. 荔枝是一种营养丰富的水果,富含葡萄糖和维生素。人们经常将荔枝浸泡在冰凉的井水后食用。据说大暑期间的荔枝,营养价值堪比人参。 glucose:葡萄糖 米糟是用发酵的米制成的。在大暑这天,把米糟跟红糖一起煮食,可以补气。 吃凤梨 大暑时节的凤梨酸甜可口正当季,加之闽南语中凤梨和“旺来”同音,使得吃凤梨这一行为有了祈福的意义。 There is a saying in Taiwan which goes, "eating pineapples in Major Heat." During the period of Major Heat, pineapple tastes best. 我国台湾地区有“大暑吃凤梨”的俗语。而这一时期的凤梨,味道最佳。 吃烧仙草 烧仙草,也叫“仙草冻”,是我国台湾、广东等地的传统饮品。烧仙草用一种特殊的草制成,其茎叶经晒干后可被制成仙草冻,口感细滑,滋味清凉,是夏季消暑“标配”。 With the amazing ability to quell the summer heat, grass jelly is described in a popular saying in Guangdong province that goes, "eating herb jelly in Major Heat will make you stay young like the immortals." 烧仙草消暑效果惊人,广东有俗语写道 “六月大暑吃仙草,活如神仙不会老。” 在你的记忆中有什么消暑“秘方”?欢迎在评论区留言哦。