Giant pandas roll in horse manure to keep warm, study finds
Giant pandas have been seen smearing themselves with horse manure in the wild, and the sweet smell of scat isn't the only reason — it appears the manure helps them tolerate low temperatures, according to a study.
Unlike insects that make a beeline for faeces, digging for olfactory cues to locate food, attraction to excrement across mammal species is rare. But researchers from the Chinese Academy of Sciences observed that a giant panda subspecies in China's Qinling Mountains tended to seek out and sniff fresh horse manure and then roll over it.
The researchers set up infrared cameras in the wild between July 2016 to June 2017 and captured 38 events of this rolling behaviour, which mostly occurred when the ambient temperature was less than 15C.
2016 年 7 月至 2017 年 6 月,中科院的研究人员在野外设置了红外相机,捕捉到了 38 次熊猫在马粪中打滚的行为,而且该行为通常都发生在环境温度低于 15℃ 的时候。
The behaviour also appeared to be linked to droppings that were less than 10 days old. When the scientists compared fresh manure to older excrement, they found that the fresh faeces was rich in two compounds: beta-caryophyllene and caryophyllene oxide.
熊猫的这种行为似乎还和那些不到 10 天的新鲜粪便有关联。科学家对比了新鲜粪便和“陈年”粪便后发现,新鲜粪便中富含两种化合物:β-石竹烯和石竹烯氧化物。
Dr. Simon Girling, the head vet at Edinburgh zoo, which houses the UK's only two giant pandas, said the study was insightful given that most research papers focus heavily on olfaction and pheromones in faeces.
"It starts to unlock our understanding of the biology of this particular species and how it can adapt," he said.
He cautioned that horse faeces could carry salmonella bacteria. "But potentially if it was possible to isolate these compounds in a safe way, that may well be something that could be used as an enrichment tool."