

2016-04-24    05'14''

主播: Lydia徐

190 3

Even if you are not a smart student, you should always try your best. The famous cartoon piglet (小猪) "McDull"is like that.     1    . He's not very clever, but he has a heart of gold.      2    . Maybe you can read one during the winter vacation! McDull lives in a simple and happy way.     3   . He tries again, but always fails. He will get another dream. He's not perfect (完美的), but he lives his life in a good way.      4      McDull was created in Hong Kong by Alice Mak (麦家碧) and Brian Tse. Mcdull’s dreams The piglet wants to visit the Maldives (马尔代夫). But his mother doesn't have enough money for a trip there.     5     . The place has a sign, and it says "Go to the Maldives". It makes McDull very happy. He thinks he is really in the Maldives! A.he is a lazy and ugly piglet. B.The limited editions (珍藏版) of "McDull McMug Series" comic books (连环漫画册)will come out in February C.So she tricks (欺骗) him by taking him to a place in Hong Kong. D. his mother was sad for tricking him. E.The pink piglet has a birthmark(胎记) in his right eye. F.That's why the piglet is so popular! G.He has a lot of dreams, but they never come true.     答案EBGFC
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