

2016-05-22    10'30''

主播: Lydia徐

165 4

Lesson 113 Small change 零钱 Listen to the tape then answer this question. Who has got some small change? 听录音,然后回答问题。谁有零钱? CONDUCTOR:Fares, please! MAN:Trafalgar Square, please. CONDUCTOR:I'm sorry, sir. I can't change a ten-pound note. Haven't you got any small change? MAN:I've got no small change, I'm afraid CONDUCTOR:I'll ask some of the passengers. CONDUCTOR:Have you any small change, sir? 1st PASSENGER:I'm sorry. I've got none. 2nd PASSENGER:I haven't got any either CONDUCTOR:Can you change this ten-pound note, madam? 3rd PASSENGER:I'm afraid I can't. 4th PASSENGER:Neither can I. CONDUCTOR:I'm very sorry, sir. You must get off the bus. None of our passengers can change this note. They're all millionaires! TWO TRAMPS:Except us. 1st TRAMP:I've got some small change. New words and expressions生词和短语 conductor /k+n'd)kt+/ n.售票员 fare /fe+/ n.车费,车票 change /tMeinDN/ v.兑换(钱) note /n+t/ n.纸币 passenger /'p$sindN+/ n.乘客 none /n)n/ pron.没有任何东西 neither /'naiJ+/ adv.也不 get off下车 tramp /tr$mp/ n.流浪汉 except /ik'sept/ prep.除……外