

2016-07-05    06'54''

主播: Lydia徐

114 1

试题检测 一、单项选择 1.Her room is ____ than _____. A.biger, your         B.bigger, your  C.biger, yours        D.bigger, yours 2.His ____ brother is three years ____ than he. A.elder, older        B.elder, elder  C.older, elder        D.older, older 3.Can you finish the work with ____ time and ____ people? A.less, fewer  B.lesser, few  C.fewer ,less  D.little, fewer 4._____ they are twins,____ they don’t look the same. A.Though, but  B.Though, \  C.But, \  D.Because, so 5.Tara sings _____ than Lisa. A.loudly  B.loud  C.loudlier  D.more loudly 二、用所给词的适当形式填空 1.He is______________(hard-working) than the other students in his class.  2.I am shy so it’s not easy for me _______(make)friends.  3.He doesn’t like singing, but he is good at ______(dance)  4.Larry always gets ______(good) grades than Lucy does.  5.I _______(break) my arm last year but she made me feel better.