

2016-07-09    09'18''

主播: Lydia徐

165 1

拔高练习 1. "Where did Tina go _________vacation?" "She ______the mountains."    A. for  , goes to          B. on, went to       C. on , goes to            D. for, went on 2. ________ the stores expensive ? Yes, I bought nothing.    A. Were     B.Was      C. Are       D. Is 3.We didn’t get to the top because it ___________.        A. rained    B. was rain   C. rainy     D. is rainy 4.I didn’t meet ___ interesting on vacation and I bought ____ back home.    A. anything, something     B. someone, something        C. anyone , nothing        D. anyone, anything 5. ______it is not good for his health, ______he still eats junk food twice or three times a week.    A. Although ; but          B. Because ; /     C. Although ; /            D. For ; so 6. —______ does Kitty dance every day?   —Two hours.    A. How often             B. How long         C. How much             D. How many 7. You must look after your _________ and keep _________.     A. health, health          B. healthy, healthy        C. healthy, health         D. health, healthy 8.Everyone was __________ because the talk was too _________.     A. boring, bored           B. bored, boring     C. bored, bored            D. boring, boring 9.He is ________ unhealthy because he eats too much junk food.    A. a kind of               B. kinds of     C. kind                   D. kind of 10.Here _____ some students’ homework.      A. am        B. is        C. are       D. be