

2016-07-09    06'41''

主播: Lydia徐

79 1

拔高练习 1. Which subject do you like ______, English or Chinese?   A. good      B. well      C. better      D. the best 2. -What do you think of this film?   -It’s ________ than the last one, I think.   A. interesting                B. interested   C. more interesting        D. more interested 3. She isn’t ______________ her sister Tina.   A. more smarter than     B. so smarter as   C. more smart than        D. as smart as 4. I think Chinese people are ____ than Japanese.     A.friendlier            B. more friendly   C. friendlyer           D. more friendlier 5.  Li  Ping  writes_______in  his  class.   A. more  careful     B. more  carefully    C. most  careful     D. most  carefully 6. It’s already 6 o’clock, but the children are not back _______.   A. also       B. either    C. yet           D. too 7.Helen doesn’t look _________ today. Is she ill?   A. better       B. well     C. nervous     D. happy 8.Thank you ______ me about this.It's very kind______you.   A.to telling;for       B.for tell;of       C.for telling;of       D. to tell; for 9.Li Lei's parents ______ doctors.  A.are all   B.are both  C.all are    D.both are 10.Every day his parents make him ______ on the farm.  A.to work  B.working  C.work    D.works