实用日常生活英语——Household problems

实用日常生活英语——Household problems

2019-05-19    02'21''

主播: Learning English with Cindy

412 3

household problems居家难题 The toilet/kitchen sink/sewer is clogged. 马桶/厨房洗涤盆/下水道堵了。a plumber水管工 The power is out. 停电。an electrician电工 The lock is jammed. 锁卡住了。a clocksmith 锁匠 The faucet drops. 水龙头漏水。a handyman 修理工 The basement is flooded. 地下室淹水。The roof leaks. 屋顶漏水。 a roofer 修屋顶工 The wall cracks. 墙壁裂缝。the lightbulb is burned out. 灯泡烧坏。The heater doesn't work. 暖气不热。The pipes are frozen. 水管冻结。