

2016-02-16    02'37''

主播: FM715925

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介绍: 想成为我们的主播,欢迎加微信 xdfbook 投稿。 一段美文,一首英文歌,或是一点生活感想,全由你做主。 《我是走路狂》 I’m a Walkaholic Four weeks ago, I was at a cocktail party when an excited guest announced, “I hit1) two miles!” She had just returned from a trip to the hors d’oeuvres2) table, but that definitely wasn’t two miles away. Then I realized she was referring to her fitness tracker3). Lately, everywhere you look, people are running around with these gizmos4) on their wrists, the Big Brothers of good health . Along with a smartphone and an accompanying app, these trackers can report how many calories you’ve burned and the distance you’ve traveled. Still curious about yourself? You can also learn the number of stairs you’ve climbed and steps you’ve taken, metrics5) it had never occurred to me to wonder about. Not one to resist peer pressure, however, I popped6) $100 for a Fitbit Flex7) (fitbit.com). I chose that brand on the basis of intense research: asking my friend Sari which tracker she used. The Fitbit website offered instructions on setting up my new tracker. I entered my height and gender and certain information I considered none of its business: birth date and weight. Then I established goals. The American Heart Association recommends we all walk 10,000 steps a day—about five miles—and so does Fitbit. I decided 6,000 steps was a good, underachieving place to start. I changed my tune when, on day one, I hit 6,000 steps and tiny LED lights flashed on my wristband. Cocky8) now, I went back to my phone and upped my goal to 8,000 steps. OK. So I got a little obsessed. I’m a sucker for positive reinforcement. At Bloomingdale’s9) on day five, I decided to check my progress. My target number was just 275 steps away! I walked around the dress department watching my smartphone register each step I took. I hate to tell you how much pleasure this gave me. Now I always wear my tracker, not because I’ve grown to love fitness but because I like being trendy10) and self-absorbed11). Last night I was leaving a restaurant when Fitbit emailed to congratulate me on walking more than 10,000 steps. Who wouldn’t love a gadget that turns your every footstep into an accomplishment? 文章摘自:《新东方英语》杂志2016年3月号