

2016-11-05    02'05''

主播: FM715925

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想成为我们的主播,欢迎加微信 xdfbook 投稿。 一段美文,一首英文歌,或是一点生活感想,全由你做主。 《师“说”》 A Letter from the Teachers Before you open the envelope with your score in it, we want you to read this first. Inside the envelope is a score. It's a score you've been waiting for but it might not be the score you've been hoping for. If that's the case, it's only natural1) that you will feel disappointed. We will be very sorry about that and will feel disappointed "for you" too—but we won't feel disappointed "in you". Unfortunately, in life, things don't always work out the way we want them to and it can take a little time to sort out2) the feelings and thoughts we can have when that happens. We know that each one of you has worked very hard and with a great attitude. No score can ever take that away from you. In fact, we believe that your attitude and who you are as a person is much more important than any mark on a test. Who you are and the attitudes you have will travel with you to whatever school is fortunate enough to have you as one of their new pupils in September. That is so important. You are quite simply "unique" and we are very proud of you. Make us proud whatever school you go to. Don't give up easily when the going gets tough3). Grow up to be kind, caring, generous, loving adults who make a positive difference to this world by how you live your life. Remember, the score in the envelope is just a mark for some tests. It cannot measure how amazing you are! So, no matter what happens in the next few minutes, today you must celebrate YOU! With love from all the staff! 在你打开这个装有你成绩的信封之前,我们希望你先读一读这封信。 这个信封里面装的是分数。这是你一直在等待的分数,但可能并不是你一直期待的分数。如果真是这样,你会感到失望,这也是人之常情。我们会为此深表遗憾,也会“为你”感到难过——但我们不会“对你”失望。令人遗憾的是,在生活中,事情的结果并不总能如我们所愿,当这种情况发生时,我们会需要一点时间来整理自己的情绪,理清自己的思绪。我们知道,你们每个人都非常努力,态度都非常认真。分数无法抹杀你们的这一切。事实上,我们相信,你的态度以及你是一个什么样的人要比任何考试分数都重要得多。它们将伴随着你进入中学,无论9月份你将成为哪所学校的一名新生,这些学校都会为拥有你这样的学生而感到幸运。这非常重要。你绝对是“独一无二的”,我们为你感到无比自豪。无论你就读于哪所学校,请让我们以你为荣。当前路变得困难重重,请不要轻言放弃。将来长大成人,要做一个善良、体贴、大方、有爱心的人,用你的生活态度为这个世界带来积极的改变。 记住,这个信封里的分数不过是一些考试的得分。它无法衡量你有多棒!因此,无论接下来的几分钟里将会发生什么,今天你都必须为你自己喝彩! 爱你们的全体教职员工! 文章摘自:《新东方英语·中学生》杂志2016年9月号