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想成为我们的主播,欢迎加微信 xdfbook 投稿。 一段美文,一首英文歌,或是一点生活感想,全由你做主。 《想象的力量》 The Power of Imagination J. K. Rowling, best known as the author of the Harry Potter series, once delivered an exceptional speech for the Commencement ) Ceremony at Harvard University. She said, “We do not need magic to change the world, we carry all the power we need inside ourselves already: we have the power to imagine better.” Each of us has the power within us to change the world. Do you doubt it? Steve Jobs didn’t doubt it. He imagined a world where every person could have the same computing power that only large organizations had at that point. He dreamed of a world where computers were so user-friendly that everybody could use them. John F. Kennedy didn’t doubt it. He had the vision that man could walk on the moon. He set forth his vision with the power of words to direct an entire country’s resources toward that mission. A short time later, Neil Armstrong uttered ) his famous words, “One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” Martin Luther King didn’t doubt it. He had a dream that people would be judged solely by the contributions they made to society, not by the color of their skin. His dream led to a movement to bring equal opportunity to all. You may say that you don’t have the imagination of J. K. Rowling. To create a world that can inspire millions of young people to read again at a time when everyone thought that only video games could attract them. You may say that you don’t have the creativity of Steve Jobs. To see the possibilities for individuals to have access to technology at their fingertips ). You may say that you don’t have the vision of John F. Kennedy. To see the impossible as possible and to inspire an entire nation to get behind ) the effort. You may say that you don’t have the oratory ) skills of Martin Luther King. To put the need for change front and center on the agenda of his country and to move people to effect that change. You do have the power to imagine a better world and make a difference in your own life and the life of others. Your imagination flows from your unique genetic make-up and your personal experiences. No one else—who has ever walked on this earth, is here now, or ever will be—can duplicate ) what you have and who you are. You are one of a kind! It’s up to you to live up to the potential that is within you … Just imagine! How will you leave the world a better place? What are you doing now to make a difference in the lives of others? 以写作《哈利·波特》系列小说而最广为人知的J. K. 罗琳曾在哈佛大学的毕业典礼上发表过一篇非常出色的演讲。她说道:“我们不需要魔法来改变世界,我们所需要的一切力量早已蕴藏在我们内心:我们有想象更美好事物的力量。” 我们每一个人都有改变世界的力量。对此你怀疑吗? 史蒂夫·乔布斯没有怀疑。 他想象有这样一个世界:那里的每个人都能拥有和当时的大型机构才有的一样的计算能力。在他构想的世界中,电脑非常人性化,每个人都会用。 约翰·F. 肯尼迪没有怀疑。 他憧憬人类可以在月球上漫步。借助语言的力量,他提出这一憧憬,并指引美国倾一国之力为这个使命而奋斗。不久之后,尼尔·阿姆斯特朗说出了那句著名的话:“个人的一小步,人类的一大步。” 马丁·路德·金没有怀疑。 他有一个梦想,即评价人们的唯一标准在于他们对社会的贡献,而非他们的肤色。他的梦想引发了一场运动,致力于为所有人带来平等的机会。 也许你会说,你没有J. K. 罗琳那样的想象力,能创造一个魔法世界,激励千百万年轻人重拾书本阅读,而当时的那个年代所有人都曾以为年轻人只会对电脑游戏感兴趣。 也许你会说,你没有史蒂夫·乔布斯那样的创造力,能预见到人们可以如此方便地使用技术。 你也许会说,你没有约翰·F. 肯尼迪那样的远见卓识,视不可能为可能,并激励整个国家支持这项事业。 你也许会说,你没有马丁·路德·金那样的演讲技巧,能把变革需求列入国家日程的优先考虑之列,能促使人们进行变革。 但你的的确确有能力想象一个更美好的世界,给自己的生活以及他人的生活带来改变。你的想象力就来自你独特的基因组成和你的个人经历。 没有任何人——无论是这个星球上的古人、今人还是来者——能与你有同样的东西,与你有同样的身份。你是独一无二的! 要想发挥自己的最大潜力,全靠你自己。发挥你的想象力!你将如何把一个更美好的世界留给后人?你现在所做的事,有什么是为了给他人的生命带来影响? 文章摘自:《新东方英语·中学生》杂志2017年3月号