

2020-05-26    04'23''

主播: 斯琴塔娜朗读

7807 39

《背对时光》 作者/麦冬 也许就该这样 花期刚过 惆怅就已经开始 看一束光 会想到父亲 经过一场雨 会想到人生艰难时 道路的泥泞 背对时光 从青春到衰老 靠在窗前看风景 那枚树叶 跳动着的鸟儿 对面窗口恍恍惚惚的影子 逐渐缩水的自由 想起诗歌和民主 脸会发红 心里会潮水般汹涌 背对时光 常联系的人 悄然离去 常光顾的中药铺子 突然关张 那些我一直喜欢的情景 也已经过时 习惯了双手紧握安慰自己 一切都会过去 (2018 年 6 月 20 日) Turning My Back on Time By: Maidong* Perhaps this it just the way things are meant to be When the flowering season is over Melancholia sets in Looking at a beam of light I invariably think of my father After rain I think about life’s challenges And the muddiness of the road I am turning my back on time From youth to ageing Standing at the window I look out at the view The leaves on the trees The hopping birds The dream-like reflections in the window opposite Our gradually diminishing freedoms Thinking about poetry and democracy My face flushes My emotions surge violently I am turning my back on time People with whom you were often in touch Quietly leave you The traditional medicine shop you frequented Unexpectedly closes its doors Those daily patterns of life I always enjoyed Are even now things of the past Ritually clasping both hands together I comfort myself That all things will pass 20 June, 2018