Dr.Seuss's ABC(A-E)

Dr.Seuss's ABC(A-E)

2017-02-27    08'00''

主播: 萱萱amy12.10.04

58 1

BIG A (大写的A) little a (小写的a) What begins with A ? (什么单词以字母A开头?) Aunt Annie’s alligator ... (安妮阿姨的鳄鱼) ... A ... a ... ABIG B (大写的B) little b (小写的b) What begins with B ? (什么单词以字母B开头?) Barber (理发师) baby (婴儿) bubbles (气泡) and a (还有一只) bumblebee (大黄蜂)BIG C (大写的C) little c (小写的c) What begins with C ? (什么单词以字母C开头?) Camel on the ceiling (骆驼在天花板上) C .... c .... CBIG D (大写的D ) littel d (小写的d ) David Donald Doo (戴维.唐纳德.杜) dreamed (梦到) a dozen doughnuts (一打甜甜圈) and (还有) a duck-dog, too. (一只鸭子模样的狗)A B C D E...e...e ear (耳朵) egg (鸡蛋) elephant (大象) e ... e ... E ...
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下一期: 巴巴爸爸的学校