有个小孩,每天醒来,都要爬来爬去 这个小孩,每天晚上,都要听故事; 妈妈给你讲故事,讲了好多次 爸爸给你唱首歌,你要慢慢听 一闪一闪亮晶晶,满天都是小星星 我要放到瓶子里,晚上尿尿看得清 Little baby, in the morning, wake up to sing oh my baby, every evening, listen to your dream ♀️Mommy built a wonderland, then you smile and dance Daddy wrote a song for you. You can sing it too. Twinkle twinkle little stars, how I wonder what they are. Put them in the candy jar, shining in your heart.