mother goose- mother and father

mother goose- mother and father

2016-07-05    01'50''

主播: 萱萱amy12.10.04

10 1

2016年7月5日维多利亚讲鹅妈妈童谣father and mother and uncle john Father and mother and Uncle John, Went to market one by one; Father fell off—!And mother fell off—! But Uncle John—Went on, and on,and on, and on—and on, and on, and on... 这首儿歌也可以表演在木头马上一个一个摔下来,一般小孩子看到摔倒的动作都会哈哈大笑。 爸爸妈妈和约翰叔叔, 一个接一个地去集市, 爸爸摔倒了——! 妈妈摔倒了——! 只有约翰叔叔继续走 继续走.....