wait[weɪt] 1vi.等待 ['ɪntəvl] 2n.(interval) 等待时间 There was a long wait. 等待时间很长。 There was a long wait before they could get on the train. 他们上火车之前等了很长时间。 to wait for somebody/ something 等候某人/某物 t won't stay to wait for somebody. You can't use anything to exchange time. 它不会停止去等待任何一个人,你不能用任何东西去改变时间。 there was a letter waiting for me 有封信等我去取 There was a letter waiting for him on his return from work. 他下班刚一回家就有一封信等着要他看。 I can't wait/ I can hardly wait to tell her 我等不及要告诉她 but i can't wait i can't wait for you 但是我不能等待,我不能等待你 i can't wait, i can't wait, i won't wait, i don't wanna wait 我不能再等待,不要再等待,不想再等待! Noon sun burning hot, my mother collar, came downstairs, I with joy can not wait to tell her mother, I must first of the. 晌午的太阳热辣辣,妈妈汗流浃背地下楼来,我怀着喜悦的心情迫不及待地想告知母亲,我得第一了。 it can wait 这可以过会儿再说 I suppose it can wait. 我想这件事可以缓一下 It's not urgent , it can wait till tomorrow . 这件事并不急,可以等到明天再办。 wait a minute! 等一下! The officer of the bank have had dining, please wait a minute. 银行的人去吃饭了,请等一会。 "repairs while you wait" “修补,立等可取” to keep somebody waiting 让某人等着 There's somebody waiting for me at the hall door. I'll go and open it. 有人在大厅门口等我,我去开门。 Please don't have somebody waiting on you. 请不要让某人为你守候 to lie in wait for somebody 埋伏着等待某人 The prey they lie in wait for is octopus. 等待在那里捕食它们的是章鱼。 Among my people are wicked men who lie in wait like men who snare birds and like those who set traps to catch men. 因为在我民中有恶人。他们埋伏窥探,好象捕鸟的人;他们设立圈套陷害人。