helping parents

helping parents

2018-08-28    01'22''

主播: 易知语言徐老师

275 1

Helping Parents Parents often get angry because of their trouble in their lives. Let's say that your mother is not happy about her boss. If she doesn't have other ways of expressing her emotions, she might come home and yell at you, scream at your dad, kick at the dog, or even say something mean to you. Here's how to handle it when an adult in your life has trouble controlling his or her anger: Don't make it worse. Angry people can have trouble thinking clearly, so try not to do or say anything to make things worse. Wait till your parent cools off, then talk to him or her in a calm tone, and try to explain how the anger is affecting you. yell 大叫,呼喊 scream 尖声喊叫 handle 处理 adult 成年人 cool off 平静下来 tone 语气 affect 影响 帮 助 父 母 父母常常因为他们生活中的烦恼而生气。我们举个例子,比如你妈妈对她的上司不满。假如她没有其他方法发泄她的情绪,她就可能回到家冲你大声嚷嚷,对你爸爸大喊大叫,踢家里的狗,或者甚至对你说一些难听的话。 当你身边的大人控制不住他们的怒火时,你应付的方法是:别让情况变得更糟糕。生气的人很难保持思维清晰,所以不要做,也不要说任何会使事情变得更糟的事或话。先等你的父母平静下来,然后再心平气和地和他们谈,并想办法说明他们的怒火是如何影响你的。
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