The Garden of Eden GOD had made a beautiful garden for the first man and woman to live in. The garden, called Eden, was full of many wonderful things. Flowers as beautiful to look at as they were to smell grew everywhere. Soft, green grass grew under foot. The joyful music of songbirds drifted across gentle, warm breezes. A clear flowing stream gave cool, fresh water to drink, while hanging from the limbs of the many trees were all sorts of delicious fruits. Tasty vegetables grew free for the gathering. In the Garden of Eden were also all manner of animals, both large and small. Adam and Eve didn’t have to be afraid of any of the beasts, for all the animals were their friends. GOD told the man and woman that it was their job to take care of their new home. He also told them that two special trees grew in the garden. One was the Tree of Life. The other was the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. GOD told them, “You may eat the fruit that grows on all the trees except for one. You mustn’t touch the fruit that grows on the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. If you eat the fruit that grows on that tree you will die.”
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