

2019-11-23    04'57''

主播: @葱花

855 8

Melancholy《忧郁》 | 金色百合 Melancholy is not what I want. What I want is to see the morning dew Shining under the sun; What I want is to hear the nightingale Singing under the moon. A squirrel ran by me in autumn, I’d not ask about his returning journey; A bud blosomed to my surprise in spring, I’d show her my smile like a drunken angel. Melancholy is not what I want. What I want is to blacken my mother’swhitehair. Hence I could be a naughty girl In her glittering youth; What I want is to dream mydaughter’schildhood. Hence I could be leaned like a fairy laurel. When he and I stood shoulder by shoulder Watching the sunset declining to the unknown, He also told me “Melancholy is not what I want.” 忧郁不是我想要的。 我想要的是看到清晨的露珠 在太阳底下发光; 我想要的是听到夜莺 在月亮之下歌唱。 一只松鼠在秋天走过我, 我没有问它的归途; 一朵花苞在春天里㤉异地开放, 我对她微笑像酒醉的天使一样。 忧郁不是我想要的。 我想要的是染黑母亲的白发, 于是我就能在她的好年华里尽情地顽皮; 我想要的是梦到女儿的童年, 那样我就可以像童话中的月桂树被倚靠。 当我与他肩并着肩一起 看夕阳下山去那不知名的地方 他也告诉我“忧郁不是我想要的。” (2019.11.23)