【哥哥读诗】The Secret

【哥哥读诗】The Secret

2015-06-24    02'08''

主播: 哥哥妹妹的阅读室

53 2

The Secret We have a secret, just we three, The robin, and I, and the sweet cherry-tree. The bird told the tree, and the tree told me, And nobody knows it but just us three. But of course the robin knows it best, Because she built the - I shan't tell the rest; And laid the four little - something in it - I'm afraid I shall tell it every minute. But if the tree and the robin don't peep, I'll try my best the secret to keep. Though I know when the little birds fly about Then the whole secret will be out. ------Anonymous
上一期: 【哥哥读故事】The Gruffalo
下一期: 02