英文绘本阅读 FIVE LITTLE MONKEYS Reading in bed

英文绘本阅读 FIVE LITTLE MONKEYS Reading in bed

2017-09-25    05'56''

主播: 泽妈读绘本

465 1

When the five little monkeys are ready for bed, their Mama reads stories, then kisses each head. " It's bedtime for monkeys! Now turn out the light." " Oh, Mama! Oh, please! One more story tonight!" But Mama's too tired. She's read more than four. " Lights out! Sweet dreams!" She closes their door. One monkey whispers," This book looks so good! If Mama won't read it, then maybe we could." The monkeys start reading. The story is SAD. One monkey is weeping, she's feeling so bad! Then out come the tissues. They ALL start to bawl. They sob and they cry till the last page of all. It's such a good ending, their sobs turn to cheers. Those monkeys are LOUD! ( You should cover your ears!) In fact, they're so noisy that Mama runs in. " What's all this racket? This chaos? This din?" One monkey admits with a guilt- ridden look, " we've been reading the very best, happy, sad book!" Mama raises an eyebrow. " What was it I said?" Lights out! Sweet dreams! No more reading in bed! Then one monkey sighs as she turns out the light. " I wish we could read this new ghost book tonight." " Just look at that goblin and mean- looking ghost!" " It's those shadowy bats that I like the most." One monkey starts hooting-- an eerie ghost sound. And soon they're all wailing and jumping around! Then a dark, spooky shadow appears on the wall. But a knock on their door is what frightens them ALL! " It's the GHOST!" they all scream. But then... ... Mama walks in! " What's all this racket? This chaos? This din?" The monkeys all gasp. " We thought YOU were the ghost! This book is so scary. We like it the most!" Mama raises an eyebrow. " What was it I said?" Lights out! Sweet dreams! No more reading in bed! One monkey shivers. " That book was so creepy, so GOOD but so scary, I'll never be sleepy!" She pulls out a joke book. "We've got to be quiet." But the jokes are so funny! In fact, they're a riot! The monkeys try hard not to giggle or laugh. But then there's a joke with a foolish giraffe. It's so silly, so goofy, they all start to roar! And then can you guess who flings open their door? Oh, yes! It's Mama! She comes storming right in. " What's all this racket? This chaos? This din?" The monkeys keep giggling. They JUST cannot quit! Mama picks up their books. "I've had it! That's it!" Then she raises an eyebrow. " Did you hear what I said?" Lights out! Sweet dreams! No more reading in bed! Well, the monkeys are tired. They're almost asleep when they hear someone giggle, then laugh, and then weep. "Do you hear all that noise? And just WHO can it BE?" "Let's sneak down the hall." (Can you guess what they see?) "Oh, Mama!" they giggle. "What was it you said?" Lights out! Sweet dreams! No more reading in bed! Those monkeys are sleepy! They head out the door. "Just wait till tomorrow, and then we'll read more!"