Today, we are gonna learn some bits of East Coast slang that just aren’t as popular on the West Coast, traditionally seen as almost two different countries within the nation of America:
今天老师要教给大家的 就是几个风靡东海岸,却是西海岸人鲜少听闻的俚语!让东西海岸看起来简直就像是美国内部的两个国家!
Conventionally, of course, this adjective might be attached to someone dastardly(witches, especially) – but not any more. This New England expression of approval for something that is “cool” or “awesome” is something West Coasters might understand, but would never use. It would make you stand out a mile.
2) “WORD”
Another familiar friend in everyone’s vocabulary that has taken on a whole new meaning in the 21st century. This expression of approval – the same as “I agree”, not formally – has infiltrated somewhat into West Coast lingo, but is certainly not as popular as out East.
3) “JANKY”
Nobody is quite sure where this adjective – used to describe something that is “untrustworthy” or of “poor quality” – originated, but one possible candidate is the ghettos of New Jersey. Thanks to high internet exposure, it can be heard anywhere across the country, and even the West Coast – but only in certain pockets, and usually with very heavy irony. One to avoid if you are out in California.