

2016-03-11    03'30''

主播: 新东方优才计划

3724 218

Good evening, everyone. This is Kelly from the English show presented by the team only for the top one in Beijing New Oriental School. And we are back! For the new semester, you are gonna be able to enjoy our show every Friday night. We will bring you music, news, stories and everything amusing and exciting about English-learning. And the song for tonight is called Chances from Five for Fighting. Five for fighting? You might think it’s a band. Well, I had the same thought but it turned out it’s just the stage name of the singer and songwriter. Let’s enjoy his voice for a little while. Chance is a simple word. In most cases, we will take it as the opportunity to do something you want. For example, this is our only chance to win the championship. But chance also has another meaning that is possibility for something to happen. And we have so many useful expressions and sentence patterns we can learn with regard to that meaning. And here are some examples. No.1 “Can you lend me your homework?” “Not a chance!” So in this case “not a chance” can be used as a hard no to reply to any ridiculous quests. No. 2 “I’m thinking about going hiking tomorrow.” “Well, there’s a chance that it might be rainy tomorrow.” “There’s chance that “ can be used to say that something is possible to happen. And another sentence pattern is the one in our song, let’s take a look at the lyrics. Chances are we'll be the combination even though chances are we will find two destinations and chances are we’ll find a new equation. We all don’t know what would happen. It might be something good and might be something bad. But according to the song, What you are is what you breathe You gotta cry before you sing / Chances are waiting to be taken. And my suggestion would be-take it and you might be surprised. This all for today. Thanks for listening, See you next Friday.