口语表达:"Big nose" 真不是“大鼻子”

口语表达:"Big nose" 真不是“大鼻子”

2017-05-22    08'43''

主播: 微秀英语Mark老师

17951 184

1. have a big nose 对周围的事物很敏感,爱打听,爱八卦 好管闲事 She has a big nose. 她这人很八卦。 2. count noses 数人数。想象人的脸部最突出的是鼻子,数鼻子就相当于数人头 We need to count noses before setting off. 出发前有必要清点一下人数。 3. by a nose 差距微小 The singer win the competition by a nose. 这位歌手以微弱之势获胜。 4. on the nose 正中鼻子上,衍伸为恰好、正好 His guess was right on the nose. 他的猜测很准确。 5. follow one's nose 跟随自己的嗅觉,衍伸为跟随自己的直觉行事 I‘ll follow my nose and see what happens. 我只能凭着直觉看看会发生什么。 6. lead by the nose 被鼻子牵着走,即被别人控制 I don't like to be led by the nose. 我不喜欢被人家牵着鼻子走。 7. keep one's nose clean 安分守己;不做违法的事 My parents tell me that I should keep my nose clean. 我父母告诉我要洁身自好,遵纪守法。 Don’t cut off your nose to spite your face. 不要做害人害已之事。