

2016-04-18    03'28''

主播: 英语嘚吧嘚

4858 132

20160418 一中两外锵锵三人行 这老爸,玩儿子玩的也是没sei了! 话说,一个老爸带着4岁的儿子轮滑14天,1000多里从河南到北京, 只为让其学会坚持。 林肯: Now, a father has taken a, let’s say a rather extreme approach to teaching his son what, in his mind, is a very valuable life lesson. Now, Nick, maybe you can enlighten us a little bit more. 尼克: Yes, I think ‘rather extreme’ is putting it a little lightly. This particular father, who’s a 39-year-old truck driver surnamed Zhang from a city called Puyang in Henan Province, decided that his son needed to learn a very valuable life lesson, which is that life is hard. And although the son was four years old, he thought there was never too early a time to learn such a lesson, and so he devised a plan to teach his son this lesson, which was to take him rollerblading. It doesn’t sound like that much of a difficult lesson on the surface of it. He took his son rollerblading to Beijing, which is a distance of 540 kilometers. And the best part, I think, is that he did it all WHILE his wife was AWAY in her hometown. 悠悠: He HAD to! 林肯: That IS probably the reason he did it, in the first place, because she left. 尼克: So father and son set off on their journey, on roller skates, along the China National Highway 106, which took fourteen days. They started at 8 a.m. every day, and they stopped every so often to eat, have a drink, have a rest, and by the time they made it to Beijing he had snapped more than 600 pictures of his son next to all of these highway signs. We don’t know if he was actually that happy; Mr. Zhang said his son was in tears several times along the route. 悠悠: Of course he was! 林肯: Of course he was! He’s four years old! 尼克: But he never gave up, and that was the purpose of the journey. 悠悠: He doesn’t dare! 林肯: Do you know what the sad thing is? Odds are, this kid’s not going to remember this journey. He’s just going to remember fourteen days that have kind of all blended into one. 悠悠: Why must he do it in this way? If simply to travel for a distance of 540 kilometers, why not simply to challenge this kid to read 500 books? 尼克: This is a very good question. 悠悠: I mean, that&`&s more meaningful than this. 林肯: If you’re going to try and teach your child the harsh realities of life, which is, I think, fair, that’s a fair thing to do, because life is tough, maybe, you know, real life skills would be more applicable. 悠悠: Exactly. 尼克: Again, he’s four years old. 林肯: Yeah? 尼克: I mean, the range of real life skills that he has at this point are probably fairly limited. 悠悠: As similar stories go, back in the year 2012, there has been an Eagle Dad from Nanjing. He gained fame online when a video surfaced of him forcing his four-year-old – still a four-year-old–son to run down the street in the snow wearing simply shoes and underwear. And the dad shot and posted online video clips showing his four-year-old son running down a snow-covered street, wearing only shoes and underpants. The boy chased his father, sobbed and begged to be picked up. 林肯: Wow. I’m always shocked at the idea, because these four-year-old kids, he’s four years old. 尼克: He probably just wanted to sit down by this point. 林肯: He wanted to sit down. You know what four-year-olds like? Chocolate. They love that! 尼克: The best part is that the running down the street in the snow happened while they were on holiday in New York, so the kid probably thought he was going to have a great time, but look what happened. Then, when they returned to China later that year, they went to Qingdao, on the coast, and the son, who was still four, or I guess maybe five by this point, was sent sailing in the sea on his own. 悠悠: That was "Lesson Two"? 尼克: That was lesson number two. Apparently it was okay, because there was a sailing instructor in a separate boat nearby, who could rescue him, had there been an emergency. 悠悠: Do these dads want to raise their kids in a way that Bear Grylls was featuring in the show‘Man vs Wild’? 林肯: Something like that! I mean, what’s going on there?