自在聆听|晨读原著T98: Four Methods for Holding Your Seat-Comfortable with Uncertai

自在聆听|晨读原著T98: Four Methods for Holding Your Seat-Comfortable with Uncertai

2016-07-04    07'18''

主播: 自在园

28 0

98 Four Methods for Holding Your Seat WHEN OUR INTENTION is sincere but the going gets rough, most of us could use some help. We could use some fundamental instruction on how to lighten up and turn around our well-established habits of striking out and blaming. The four methods for holding our seat provide just such support for developing the patience to stay open to what’s happening instead of acting on automatic pilot. These four methods are: 1. Not setting up the target for the arrow. The choice is yours: you can strengthen old habits by reacting to irritation with anger, or weaken them by holding your seat. 2. Connecting with the heart. Sit with the intensity of the anger and let its energy humble you and make you more compassionate. 3. Seeing obstacles as teachers. Right at the point when you’re about to blow your top, remember that you’re being challenged to stay with edginess and discomfort and to relax where you are. 4. Regarding all that occurs as a dream. Contemplate that these outer circumstances, as well as these emotions, as well as this huge sense of ME, are passing and essenceless like a memory, like a movie, like a dream. That realization cuts through panic and fear. When we find ourselves captured by aggression, we can remember this: We don’t have to strike out, nor do we have to repress what we’re feeling. We don’t have to feel hatred or shame. We can at least begin to question our assumptions. Could it be that whether we are awake or asleep, we are simply moving from one dreamlike state to another?