

2014-09-12    23'14''

主播: 奥斯卡英语能力教育

9071 144

【询问航班时间与订机票】 (询问航班用语)Are there any planes to..... on monday? (询问航班频率)How often is the flight to Paris every hour? (询问飞行时长)How long is the flight from New York to Washington? (确认机位)Do i have to reconfirm? You must make a reconfirmation 48 hours ahead(提前) (询问票价)How much is the round trip?(往返票) Are the non-stop flights/direct flights?(直达航班) You need to transfer(l转机) in BangKok. (选择座位)I‘d like a window (窗)\aisle\(过道)middle seat(中间)。 (随身行李)Can i carry this bag on? (通过安检门)please walk through the security gate. (登机广播)May I have your attention,please? Thai Airlines flight TG 635 to BangKok is now boarding,please proceed to the boarding gat now. 【航班延后广播】Due to(由于)the weather condition(天气状况),all flights to Taipei wiil be delayed, We truly regret the delay, Thank you for your coopertaiotn and patience(合作与耐心).we will inform(通知) you of the new departure time(新起飞时间) as soon as possible.Thank you.