7-Why was the US so upset about the AIIB initially?
8-According to the Financial Times, the US and other AIIB critics have questioned whether the new bank will have high standards of governance and environmental and social safeguards. They say the bank will play fast and loose with conditionality and other restrictions on the behavior of borrowers, allowing corruption to flourish.
9-More significant, however, are strategic considerations, says the Financial Times. The US and China are increasingly engaged in a competition for regional influence, while the bank is seen as contributing to the spread of China’s “soft power” in the region, possibly at the expense of the US.
10-In an interview with Xinhua News Agency, China’s Finance Minister Lou Jiwei stressed that the AIIB, rather than being a competitor, will be compatible with established international lenders.
11-He described the bank’s founding as a “constructive move” that will complement the current international economic order and enable China to shoulder more global responsibility.
12-Martin Wolf, chief economics commentator at the Financial Times, says the UK’s decision to join the new bank is sensible. The US criticized the UK for its “constant accommodation” of the rising superpower, Wolf says, “but the alternative to accommodation is conflict. China’s economic rise is beneficial and inevitable. What is needed is intelligent accommodation.”
13-“Where China offers proposals that make sense for itself and for the world, engagement is more sensible than carping from the sidelines. An erstwhile US policy maker once asked China to be a ‘responsible stakeholder’. With the creation of the AIIB, it is doing just that,” Wolf writes in the Financial Times.