A thread on Quora addresses the issue of travel etiquette, asking people around the world what tourists should absolutely not do when visiting their home countries. Check out some of the top responses below.
Don't cut into lines. "Queue jumping - this is the only crime that the population would consider bringing back capital punishment for."
Don't ask how much money someone makes: "Instead play a curious guessing game by asking someone what they do, where they live, where they went on holiday, and figure it out by correlating this with their accents."
Don't invite someone to your home: "Unless you know them very, very well."
2 印度
Don't kiss in public: "In some jurisdictions this will land you in jail for 'public obscenity' (a lot of our laws are stuck in the Victorian era)."
Don't make physical contact with the opposite sex: "Hugging and handshakes are still frowned upon in most parts of the country among members of opposite sex. Unless the local offers a hug or handshake, don't."
3 日本
Don't tip anyone: "Tipping is just not part of the culture. Don't even leave the small change. People will come running after you with it."
Don't wear your shoes in someone's house: "If you see other people taking their shoes off, do the same. (Note: there's a small area right inside the entrance called a 'genkan' which is usually one level below the rest of the house, where you take off your shoes. You don't take them off outside the house!)"
Don't hug people: "Most people don't like it, especially older folk."
Don't stand on the wrong side of the escalator: "In Tokyo you stand on the left. In Osaka you stand on the right. Follow what other people are doing."
4 俄国
Don't give an even number of flowers as a gift: "That's for dead folks. A proper bouquet will have 1/3/5/7 flowers."
Don't rely on a credit card: "There are lots of places which only accept cash."
Don't assume the people support everything the government does: "Quite often we don't. Don't criticize our government. We do it a lot by ourselves; we don't need your help."
5 新加坡
You can get fined for a lot of things in Singapore, including: feeding the birds, spitting, urinating in public, smoking in public, eating or drinking on public transport, and littering, among other things。
6 新西兰
Don't confuse New Zealanders with Australians: "We don't like it!"
Don't expect to see Kiwi birds: "They are almost extinct. Irony!"
Don't make fun of rugby, 'Lord of the Rings', or the Queen of England: "All Blacks is a rugby team and probably a religion. Haka is a war-cry performed before a war or, nowadays, a rugby match. Do not make fun of it!"
"Kiwis are proud of 'Lord of the Rings'."
"The Queen of England is still a big deal here! We still celebrate her birthday and swear allegiance to her."
Don't freak out about people not wearing shoes: "It's perfectly normal to go about in public places without footwear and in some cases a shirt."