

2015-04-13    18'02''

主播: yoga_yj

381 25

日常口语对话, 租房买房; 1. Do you still live in the same place? 你还在原来的地方住吗? Yes, but I’m hunting apartment now. 是的,但我最近在忙着找新公寓。 2. Are the utilities included in the rent? 房租中包括水,电和煤气费吗? Yes, the rent is $400 per month. 是的,房租是每个月400美元。 3. How soon can I move in? 我多久可以搬进来? In a week. 一周以内。 4. How much security deposit do you require? 你们要求交多少押金? We’ll charge a month’s rent as a security deposit. 我们将收取一个月的房租作为保证金。 5. How long will the lease be for? 租约期限是多久? One year. But your lease can be renewed once it’s up. 一年,但是租约到期后可以续约。 6. What size apartment do you need? 你需要多大的房子? Around 120 square meters. 大概120平方米。 7. If we put 30% down, how much will the monthly payment be? 如果我们首付30%,那么每月要付多少呢? 600 dollars or so. 600美元左右。 8. What would be an acceptable rent range? 你可以接受的租金范围是多少? My price expectation is around 300 dollars. 我的预算大概是300美元。 Dialogue: 1. I guess I’ll be moving out. 我想我得搬走了。 2. I heard that you have a spare room. 我听说你有空房间。 3. Would it be ok to look at the room now? 现在就能看看房子吗? 4. How long will the lease be valid? 租约在多久之内有效? Words: switch v 换;vacant adj 空白的;floor plan;平面图;budget n 预算;monthly installments 按月分期付款;suburb n 郊区;rental agreement 租约;short-term lease 短期租约;break the contract 毁约;copy of the contract 合同的副本;