1. accommodation;n 住处,膳宿,调节,和解。
It’s no surprise that there are fewer good deals for skiing accommodation, but there are bargains even in the more elevated districts of the Rhone-Alpes.
记忆:联想:ad=(ad表强调)+commod(可以看成common普通)+ation名词后缀= 学生的膳宿条件普普通通——住处;膳宿;
2. accomplish;v 完成,实现,达到。
I am often asked about how I keep employees inspired and productive. It’s an essential question since companies today must accomplish more, with fewer people.
记忆:ac=(ad,to表对象)+com共同+pli 充满+sth =共同充满——完成。
3. accredit;v 委派,新人,授权;归因于;认可。。。合格;
The service includes educational advice, guidance and support, including a facility for accrediting your previous experience—the Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL). 该服务包括教育建议,知道和支持,其中包括对以前经历认证的资质——先前学习认定证书。
记忆:词根词缀:ac=(ad,to表对象)+credit 相信=对什么信任,相信。
4. accrue;v利益增加,自然产生,积累;
Some Arctic communities are now operating tour businesses themselves, which ensures the benefits accrue locally. 现在,一些北极地区的居民正在自己运营旅游业,这确保了当地收益的增加。
5. acid;n 酸,酸性物质;a 酸的,酸味的,尖刻的;
About 10% of the pupils expressed that acid rain is responsible for rainforest destruction.
记忆:形近:aid v 帮助——acid;