

2015-06-14    13'38''

主播: yoga_yj

59 18

雅思词汇8 forward-looking adj 有远见的; prolific adj多产的(作家或者歌手); talented / gifted adj 有才华的;snobbish adj 势利的; materialistic adj 过于现实的; diverse adj 多样的; rewarding adj 有回报的; trendy / stylish adj时尚的; classy / chic adj高贵的; sing karaoke 唱卡拉ok ; do taekwondo 练跆拳道; roller-skating 滑旱冰 ; scuba–diving 潜水; go skateboarding 滑滑板; do taichi 打太极 ; do sunbathing 做日光浴; walk one’s dog 遛狗; jog v/ n 慢跑; go hiking 远足; camping 宿营n ; have a barbecue 烧烤; lawns n绿地; skyscrapers n 摩天楼;dynamic\ vibrant adj 有活力的; sculptures n 雕塑; magnificent/ spectacular adj 壮观的; infrastructure n 基础设施; cuisine n 某地方的菜; traffic congestion 交通堵塞; optimistic adj 乐观的; courtyard houses 四合院建筑;colony n 殖民地;snacks n 小吃;a holy place/ a mecca 圣地;the music scene 乐坛; tough/ tenacious adj 顽强的; the layout of a city 城市布局;materialistic adj 物质化的; enchanting adj 迷人的; facilities n 设施; fountain n 喷泉; pools n 水池; ponds n、v 水池;winding paths 弯弯曲曲的小路;picket fence 栅栏;flowerbeds adj 花坛; pavilions 亭子;trellises n 花架;bushes/ hedge n 灌木丛;lush adj 茂盛的; waterfall n 瀑布; tranquil and serene 宁静的;shimmering water 闪亮的水。 limpid water 清澈的水;the fragrance of flowers; 花香;birds chirp in the trees 树上鸟叫;ambience n 氛围; go on a date 约会; hang out 玩去; feel refereshed and invigorated; 感觉焕然一新的;soothing adj 让人放松的;exterior n 外观; magnificent adj 壮观的; steps n 台阶; main enterance 主要入口;pillars/ columns 柱子;glass curtain walls 玻璃幕墙;a towering building 高耸的建筑;platform n 基座; interior décor 室内装饰;exquisite 精致的; lobby n 大厅; elevator AmE\ lifts BrE 电梯;escalators 自动扶梯;boutiques n 服装店;trendy/stylish 时尚的; classy/ chic adj 很有品味的;