

2015-06-22    10'05''

主播: yoga_yj

87 16

幸福来敲门 序言4 This encounter would crystallize in my memory——almost into a mythological moment that I could return to and visit in the present tense whenever I wanted or needed its message. I see the sports car in front of me just as if it’s today, circling in slow motion, with the whirring sound of that unbelievably powerful engine as it idles, wating and purring like a lion about to pounce. In my mind’s ear, I’m hearing the cool calling of a horn blown by Miles Davis, my musical hero——who, back in the day, I was positive I was going to be when I grew up. It’s one of those imagined scenes in the sound track of my lives that tells us to pay attention. 这次邂逅在我脑海中仿佛生了根,每当我回顾那一刻,当时的场景就会历历在目。我甚至可以看到那辆跑车就在自己面前, 仿佛就是在此时此刻,车子缓缓地兜着圈子,我可以听到法拉利强劲有力的马达怠速时的嗡嗡声,那种感觉就像是狮子准备扑向猎物前的喉鸣。我似乎还能听到偶像迈尔。戴维斯的爵士小号在耳畔响起(小时候,我还一度梦想长大后成为戴维斯那样的人物)。 其实我们有时确实会有这样的感觉,让我们预感到一些重要的事情正在发生。 With the top down and the light glinting fire-engine-metallic-red off the hood, the guy at the wheel is every bit as cool as the jazz musicians I used to idolize. A white guy, dark-haired, clean-shaven, of average height and slight build, he’s wearing the sharpest suit, possibly custom-made, out of a beautiful piece of cloth. It’s more than just a wonderful garment, it’s the whole look——the tasteful tie, the muted shirt, the pocket square, the understated cuff liks and watch. Nothing obnoxious, just well put together. No flash, no bullshit. Just sharp. 法拉利通体火红,红得耀眼,红得闪亮,开车的家伙酷味儿十足,完全可以与我曾经崇拜的绝世音乐家一争高下。他皮肤白净,暗色的头发,胡子刮得干干净净,中等身材,体态匀称,衣着相当考究,很可能是为他度身定制,用料更是上乘。其实他不仅仅是衣着考究这么简单,从着装搭配来看,此人就绝非等闲之辈,领带相当有品味,条纹衬衫,装饰方巾,低调的袖口和腕表,华丽自在而毫无张扬之感。 “Hey, man, ” I say, approaching the Ferrari and waving at him as I point out where my car is parked, nodding to let him know that I’m coming out. Am I seduced by the Ferrari itself? Yes. I am a red-blooded American male. But it’s more than that. In that instant, the car symbolizes all that I lacked while growing up—— freedom, escape, options. “You can have my spot, ” I offer, “but I gotta ask you a couple of questions.” “你好啊!”我边打招呼,边凑上前去,挥着手,指着我停车的地方,示意他我要离开了。我这么做是因为法拉利的诱惑难以抗拒? 确实,我也是血性男儿,有着七情六欲,但问题似乎并非这么简单。此时此刻,法拉利代表的正式我所一直或缺的东西——自由自在,浪迹天涯和无尽选择。 我接着说道:“你可以停在我的位置上,不过我想请教你两个问题。”