

2015-10-04    08'30''

主播: yoga_yj

66 25

生活话题口语: 37 海滩: 核心词汇: sand:沙子;sand sculpture 沙雕;life preserver:救生圈;crab:螃蟹hermit crab:寄居蟹;bucket:水桶;beach umbrella:大型遮阳伞;visitor:游客;shell:贝壳;surfboard:冲浪板;rock:岩石;sea turtle:海龟;coconut tree:椰子树;palm tree:棕榈树;beach volleyball:沙滩排球;beach ball:海滩球;sun block:防晒乳;flip flops:人字拖鞋;bikini girl:比基尼辣妹; 短文补充词汇: fall 掉落;nameless:没有名字的;summer:夏天;under:在…之下;decide:决定;together:一起的;number:号码;faint:令人晕眩的;refuse:拒绝;Cinderella:灰姑娘; 短文: He fell in love with a nameless bikini girl last summer. They met under a big coconut tree and decided to play beach volleyball together. 去年夏天,他跟一个不知名的比基尼辣妹坠入情网。他们在一颗巨大的椰子树下邂逅,决定一起玩沙滩排球; When he was going to ask her name and number, she gave him a faint smile and refused. 当他打算问她名字和电话时,她只是露出令人晕眩的微笑,拒绝了。 When she left, she left him one of her flip-flops, lke Cinderella. 当她离开的时候,像灰姑娘一样给了一只人字拖鞋给他。 38 露营区: 核心词汇: tent:帐篷;campfire: 营火; flashlight: 手电筒;lighter: 打火机;shower: 淋浴间;dump station: 垃圾场;RV: 露营车;match: 火柴;cooler: 冰桶;hatchet: 手斧;charcoal: 木炭;sleeping bag: 睡袋;camper: 露营者;bug spray: 驱虫液;barbeque grill: 烤肉架; compass: 罗盘;folding chair: 折叠椅;kindling: 火种;cutlery kit: 随身餐具组;timber: 木柴; 短文补充词汇: family: 家族;trip: 旅行;father: 父亲;brand new: 全新的;mother: 母亲;prepare: 准备;responsible: 负责的;stuff: 东西;important: 重要的;equipment: 设备; 短文: They are going to have their family trip. Their father bought a RV and brand new barbeque grill for that. 他们最近要做一趟家族旅行。他们的爸爸为此买了一台露营车以及全新的烤肉架。 Their mother also prepared a sleeping bag for each and a cutlery kit. 妈妈则帮他们准备了睡袋和随身餐具组。 The kids are responsible for other small stuff like lighters and flashights. And the most important equipment on their list is : bug spray 小孩们就负责准备些零散的东西,像打火机和手电筒。而他们列出来最重要的东西就是——驱虫液。