EM4LP5B课程讲解~Personal Heroes

EM4LP5B课程讲解~Personal Heroes

2019-09-18    37'31''

主播: yoga_yj

3156 59

【EM4-LP5B Heroes 】 Meten, Longhua Center, SZ, LT: Yoga Yu 亲爱的听众朋友们大家好,这里是Yoga的荔枝电台,我是美联深圳龙华中心的LT Yoga,在这里为大家播讲新M4的LP5Heroes - B Personal Heroes的课程,欢迎您的收听,希望通过我们的节目,你能够对本课有更好的预习和复习,让我们开始学习吧! Unit Goals of Unit5B: 教学目标: (1)Explain why you admire someone. 解释你为什么崇拜某个人。 (2)Narrate a story. 讲述一个故事。 【Words and phrases: 单词和短语:】 (1)课文中的单词和短语:Personal heroes,个人英雄; Knicole Colon 人名;astronomer, 天文学家;scientist科学家, study 研究, space太空, National Geographic Explorer 国家地理探测者, role model(=hero)行为榜样, Contact《接触》(一部美国科幻电影), Ellie艾莉, look for寻找, planet星球, brave勇敢的, travel alone独自旅行, character角色,性格, look up to sb(=admire)尊敬某人. Galileo Galilei 伽利略,definition定义;inventor发明家;golf player;高尔夫球手; (2)描述性格词:bravery n勇敢, confused困惑的, hardworking努力工作的,nervous紧张的,confident自信的,generous慷慨大方的,kind善良的,smart/intelligent聪明的, (3)其他词汇:caption 标题,字幕;explain 解释,profile 简介;admire钦慕,narrate叙述,journalist记者,photograph照片,share…with.和…分享,complete 完成, 【Sentences: 句子;】 1.询问别人情况的句子: —What does Knicole Colon do? Knicole Colon是做什么的? —She is an astronomer. 她是一个天文学家。 —As a kid, who was her hero? 当她还是个孩子的时候,她心目中的英雄是谁? —Her hero was Ellie,an astronomer in a movie. 她心目中的英雄是Ellie,一部电影中的天文学家。 —Why did Knicole look up to this person? 为什么Knicole很崇拜这个人? —Because she is smart, brave and travel to space alone. 因为她很聪明,勇敢并且一个人到太空去旅行。 —Who else does Knicole admire? 她还崇拜谁呢? —She also admire the astronomer Galileo Galilei. 她还崇拜天文学家伽利略。 2.询问过去发生的事情的句子: —Where did you visit?你去哪里参观了?—I visited New York. 我参观了纽约。 —Did you visit New York? 你参观了纽约吗?—No,I didn’t, I visited Washinton.不,我没有,我参观了华盛顿。 —Where did she visit? 她去哪里参观了? —She visited California. 她参观了加利福尼亚。 —Did he visit San Francisco?他参观了旧金山;—No, he didn’t, he visited Las Vegas. 没有,他参观了拉斯维加斯。 —Did she start a company? 她开了个公司吗? —No, she didn’t start a company.没有,她没有开公司。 —What did he start?他开始干什么了?—He started a company. 他开了个公司。 (3)询问故事的前因后果特殊疑问句。 —Where were Alec and Alyssa? Alec和Alyssa在哪里? —They were at a restaurant. 他们在一个餐馆里。 —What happened after dinner? 晚餐后发生了什么?—Alec didn’t have enough money in his wallet. Alec的钱包里的钱不够。 —when Alec realized his problem, what did he do? 当Alec意识到他的问题时, 他是怎么做的? —He called his roommate for help. 他打电话给室友求救。 —Who helped Alec? 谁帮助了Alec?—His waiter handed him 40 dollars. 他的侍应生给了他40美金。 —What did Alec promise? Alec承诺了什么?—He promised to pay him back. 他承诺了要还钱。 —What did the waiter reply? 侍应生是如何回复的呢?—He asked him not worry about it. 他让他不用担心。 【Reading: 阅读】 小阅读:As a kid, who was your role model? 当你还是个孩子的时候,谁是你的偶像呀? At age 12, I saw the movie Contact. In the movie, there’s a woman named Ellie. She works as an astronomer, and she’s looking for life on other planets. She’s very smart. She’s brave, too. She travels to space alone. She was only a character in a movie, but I really looked up to her! I also really admire the astronomer Galileo Galilei, He’s my hero too. 在我十二岁的时候,我看了这部电影《接触》,在这部电影中,有一个叫做艾莉的人,她是一名天文学家,并且她正在寻找其他星球的生命。她很聪明,也很勇敢,她独自一人到太空去旅行,她只是一个电影中的角色,但是我真的非常佩服她,我也真的很倾佩天文学家伽利略,他也是我心中的英雄。 大阅读:Eco-Fuel Africa (One company is changing people’s lives in Uganda.) 一个正在改变乌干达人的生活的公司。 In Uganda, many people use wood for fuel. But using wood makes the air dirty. Also many children—usually girls—don’t go to school. They spend hours getting the wood for cooking. 在乌干达,很多人使用木柴来做为燃料,但是用木柴会让空气变脏,并且很多孩子,通常是女孩子,不去上学,她们花很多时间去拣做饭用的木柴。 But now things are changing. Sanga Moses started a company called Eco-Fuel Africa. The company invented a kind of oven. It changes extra or unused food parts into fuel. This kind of fuel is clean(unlike wood). Here, Sanga Moses answers two questions about his company. 但是现在事情正在发生着变化,Sanga Moses开了一个公司叫做 非洲生态燃料,这家公司发明了一种炉子,它把一些多余的或者未使用的食物部份改造成了燃料。这种燃料不像木柴,它们很清洁,此时,Sanga Moses正在回答关于他公司的两个问题。 Why did you start Eco-Fuel Africa? 为什么你要开办 非洲生态燃料(公司)呢? Sanga Moses: in January 2009, I worked in a big bank in Kampala (the capital of Uganda). One day, I visited my mother in my home village. Going home, I met my 12-year-old sister on the road. She carried a lot of wood. My sister started crying. She didn’t go to school that day because she walked for ten kilometers to get wood for my family. I was very unhappy about this. I wanted my sister to stay in school. That day, I decided to fix this problem. I stopped working at the bank, and I started Eco-Fuel Africa. Sanga Mosers:在2009年一月的时候,我在坎帕拉(乌干达首都)的一家大银行工作,一天,我回故乡看望我母亲,回到家,我在路上遇见了我12岁的妹妹,她扛着一大堆的柴火。我妹妹开始哭泣,那天她没有上学,因为她要步行十公里去为我们家拾柴火。我对此非常气恼,我希望我妹妹能够留在学校上学,那天,我就决定了要解决这个问题,我停止了在银行的工作,开设了非洲生态燃料公司。 Is Eco-Fuel Africa helping people? 非洲生态燃料正在帮到人们吗? Sanga Moses: Yes, I think so. For example, we have a group of 460 women. They use our ovens to make clean cooking fuel. Then they sell it. Each woman makes $150 a month in extra money. And about 115,000 people use our clean cooking fuel in Uganda. Today, the air is cleaner, and we are saving trees. And best of all, girls can stay in school. Sanga Moses:是的,我是这么认为的,举个例子,我们有一群460名女性的团队,她们使用我们的炉子去制造清洁烹饪燃料,然后她们把它卖掉。每位女性每个月可以额外获得150美元的收入。在乌干达,大约有11万5000人使用我们的清洁烹饪燃料,今天,这里的空气更洁净了,并且我们拯救了树木,更好的是,女孩们可以待在学校上学了。 [Writing 写作部分小文章] My Hero is my grandmother. I admire her a lot. She is very smart and hardworking. At age 35, she started her own business. She owned a small store. At first she didn’t know a lot about business, but she worked hard, and she learned fast. In time, her store was successful. She hired five people. I also helped her in the summers. I learned a lot about business from my grandmother. Now my grandmother is 74 years old. Two years ago, she closed her store, but she is still busy. She travels and she sees her friends. She is a great woman! 4.【Grammar】: 一般过去时: 一、 一般过去时的定义:一般过去时表示过去某一时候或某一段时间所发生了的事情或存在的状态。常与过去时间yesterday, this morning, just now, a moment ago, in May, last night / year / week, once upon a time, the other day, before …, when – clause, in the past连用。 如:What did you do yesterday? 昨天你干了什么?I met Lin Tao this morning. 今天上午我会到了林涛。 二、 用法说明 1表示在过去某个时间所发生的动作或所处的状态。 常与yesterday, last week, in 1989, just now, a moment ago, the other day等连用。如:He was here just now. 他刚才还在这里。 2在过去一段时间内的经常性或习惯性动作。 如:We often played together when we were children. 我们小时候常在一起玩。 注:表示过去经常发生的动作还可用used to 和would。 如:He used to smoke a lot, but he doesn’t now. 他过去经常抽烟,但现在不抽了。 3表示主语过去的特征或性格。如:At that time she was very good at English. 那时她英语学得很好。 4用在状语从句中表示过去将来。如:He said he would wait until they came back. 5一般过去时有时可以表示现在,多与 want, hope, wonder, think, intend 等动词连用,使语气更委婉。 如:I wondered if you could help me. 不知你能不能帮我一下。 有时用过去时是时态一致的需要。如:I didn’t know you were here. 没想到你在这里。 注意: 1. 表示一系列的动作,尽管有先后,都用一般过去时,最后两个动词之间用and连结。如: He opened the door, rushed out and then disappeared. 他打开门,冲了出去,然后就消失了。 2. 注意在语境中理解“我刚才/原来还不……”。如:—Your phone number again? I didn’t quite catch it. —It’s 2566666. 三、 一般过去时对谓语动词的要求 1.动词过去式的构成规则 : (1) 一般在动词后加-ed。如:play—played, offer—offered, weigh—weighed, destroy— destroyed, sign—signed. (2) 在以字母e结尾的动词后,只加-d。如:like—liked, provide—provided, hate — hated, date—dated。 (3) 在以“辅音字母+y”结尾的动词后,则改y为i,再加—ed。如:supply—supplied, fly—flied, study— studied. (4) 在以单短元音的重读闭音节结尾且,末尾只有一个辅音字母的动词后,双写最后一个辅音字母,再加-ed。如:plan—planned, refer—referred, regret—regretted, ban—banned. (5)Be动词在一般过去时中的变化:a. am 和is在一般过去时中变为was。b. are在一般过去时中变为were。  四 、 否定句; 1 带was或were的句子,即否定句在was或were后加not,(was not=wasn’t)(were not=weren’t)Eg. She was not (wasn’t) tired. They were not (weren’t) interesting. 2.句中没有be动词的一般过去时的句子(didn’t代替一般现在时中 doesn’t /don’t);否定句:didn’t +动词原形,如:Jim didn’t go home yesterday. 五 、一般疑问句; a.一般疑问句:在句首加did,句中的动词过去式变回原形。如:Did Jim go home yesterday? b.一般疑问句把was或were放到句首。Eg Were they delicious? Was she hungry? 六、 特殊疑问句: ⑴疑问词+did+主语+动词原形?如: What did Jim do yesterday? ⑵疑问词当主语时:疑问词+动词过去式?如:Who went to home yesterday?