

2019-09-29    30'20''

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【EM4-LP6A Memory 】 Meten, Longhua Center, SZ, LT: Yoga Yu 亲爱的听众朋友们大家好,这里是Yoga的荔枝电台FM799839,我是美联深圳龙华中心的LT Yoga,在这里为大家播讲新M4的LP6 The Mind的A : Memory的课程,欢迎您的收听,希望通过我们的节目,你能够对本课有更好的预习和复习,让我们开始学习吧! Unit Goals of Unit6A: 教学目标:(1) Talk about important memories 谈论重要的记忆;(2) Express degrees of certainty。表达确定性的程度。 1.【Words and phrases: 单词和短语:】 (1)课文中的单词和短语:Harvard University哈佛大学,research研究, fall asleep入睡, sleep deprived睡眠被剥夺的,being sleep deprived=needing more sleep; 缺觉; disappear 消失了,run toward the road 朝大路跑去….;good at remembering 善于记忆; have an excellent/sharp/poor memory 有卓越/敏锐的/糟糕的记忆力;bring back带来;from memory 凭借记忆力; a painful memory一次痛苦的记忆; (2)其他词汇:the words in bold粗体字,instructor教练,教师,alarm clock闹钟, wake up叫醒,energy drink能量饮料, stay awake保持清醒; 2.【Sentences: 句子;】 (1)询问记忆力的句子;1)—What do you often forget? 你经常忘记什么? —I sometimes forget to call my parents. 我有时会忘了给我的父母打电话。 2)-What do you usually forget when you leave the house? 当你离开家的时候,通常会忘记什么?—I always forget my flash disk. 我总是忘记我的U盘。 3)—What are you good at remembering? 你擅长记忆什么? —I’m good at remembering people’s faces. 我擅长记忆人脸。 4)—Can you always remember your parents’ birthday? 你总能记住你父母的生日吗? —Yes,I can always remember my parents’ birthday. 是的,我总能够记得我父母的生日。 5)-How’s your memory? 你的记忆力怎么样?-I have excellent memory. 我有杰出的记忆力。 6)-What can bring happy memories to you? 什么可以给你带来快乐的回忆? -The souvenirs bring back many happy memories. 纪念品可以带给我很多快乐的记忆。 7)-What can you do from memory? 你可以凭借记忆力做些什么? -I can recite poems from memory. 我可以靠记忆力背诵诗歌。 8)-Which day will you never forget ? 你忘不了什么日子? -I will never forget the day I got married. 我永远都忘不了我结婚的日子。 (2) 询问如何记单词: 1)—How do you remember new words in English?你怎么记忆英语中的新单词呢? a)—You can practice saying the new words again and again? 你可以练习一遍遍地说新单词。 b)—You can put important new words in places where you will see them during the day. Every time you see the word, say it aloud. 你可以把一些重要的新单词放在白天看得到的地方。每一次你看到这些单词,大声说出来。 c)—You can exchange new information with the word. For example, for beach, ask a friend, What’s your favorite beach? 你可以用这个单词来交换新的信息。比如说沙滩,就可以问一个朋友,你最喜欢的沙滩是哪个? d)—You can make a sentence using the word. Use real people and facts from your life in the sentence. 你也可以用这些单词造个句子,使用真人和你生活中的事实在句子中。 e)—Listen to a story in English. At the same time, read the story in your own language. 听英文故事,同时,用你自己的语言读故事。 (3) 表达肯定程度的句子。 1)-Is your instructor married? 你的教练结婚了吗? –Yes, he is. 是的,他结婚了。 2) –Does your instructor like vegetables? 你的教练喜欢蔬菜吗?–No, he doesn’t.不,他不喜欢。 3) –Does your partner live near you? 你的搭档住在你的附近吗?–Yes, I think so. 是的,我认为是。 4)- Does your partner like rap music? 你搭档喜欢说唱音乐吗?–I don’t think so. 我认为他不喜欢。 5)-Are there a lot of restaurants near your school? 这里有很多的餐馆在你们学校附近吗?- Maybe. I’m not sure. 也许吧,我也不太确定。 6)-Is there a bus stop near your school? 这里有一个公交车站在你们学校附近吗?–I have no idea. 我不知道哦! 7)-Do students wear uniforms?学生们穿制服吗? –Yes, they are. 是的,他们穿制服。 8)-Does the school year start in the fall. 学校是在秋天开学吗?-Yes,I think so. 是的,我认为是。 3.【Dialogues: 对话】关于记忆力的对话; Mia:I’m so excited! Are you ready to go in? 我太激动了,你准备好进去了吗? Justin: Um…just a minute. I can’t find the tickets. 嗯,稍等,我找不到票了。 Mia: You’re kidding! 你在开玩笑吧! Justin: No, I’m not. I put them in my front pocket. See? They’re not there. 没有,我没有,我把它们放在我的上衣口袋里了,它们不在那里了。 Mia: Well, are they in your backpack? 好的,它们在你的书包里吗? Justin:I don’t think so. 我觉得没有。 Mia: Maybe you dropped them somewhere. 可能你把它们掉到什么地方了吧。 Justin: Maybe. I’m not sure. 也许吧,我不能确定。 Mia: Oh, Justin. What are we going to do? 哦,Justin,我们要去干什么的呀? Justin: Wait…hold on. I found them. They were in my back pocket. 等,等一下,我找到它们了,它们在我后面的口袋里。Mia: Great! Let’s go! 太好了,我们走吧! 4.【Grammar】: 动词过去式的变化规则: 一、规则动词的过去式; 1.动词原形+-ed(大部分动词); want—wanted work—worked need—needed clean—cleaned wash—washed play—played spell—spelled help—helped; 2.以不发音的e结尾的在词尾加-d ; like—liked live—lived use—used move—moved hope—hoped dance—danced; 3.以一个元音字母(A/E/I/O/U)加一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节动词,先双写结尾的辅音字母,再加-ed; stop—stopped, trip—tripped ; 4.以辅音字母加y结尾的动词,先把y变成i,再加-ed;study—studied carry—carried hurry—hurried marry—married copy—copied cry—cried ; 二、不规则动词的过去式 ; 1. 以t结尾的词,过去式与原形相同。put—put let—let cut—cut beat—beat ; 2. 以d结尾的词,把d变成t。build—built lend—lent send—sent spend—spent; 3. 以n结尾的词,在词后加t。mean—meant burn—burnt learn—learnt ; 4. 以ow / aw结尾的词,把ow / aw变成ew。blow—blew draw—drew know—knew grow—grew ; 5. 含有双写字母的词,将双写改为单写,在词尾加t。keep—kept sleep—slept feel—felt smell—smelt ; 6. 含有元音字母o / i的词,将o / i变成a。sing—sang give—gave sit—sat drink—drank; *什么时候用一般过去时呢??? 1. 表示在过去某一时间内发生的动作或情况 ①带有确定的过去时间状语; eg. I went to school on foot yesterday. I finished my homework last week. ②没有确定的过去时间状语时;eg. I thought you were ill. 我原以为你生病了。 (这句话说明在说话之前我以为你病了,但是现在我知道你没病); 2. 表示过去一段时间内经常或反复发生的动作(常与always,never,often等频度副词连用)eg. Peter always carried an umbrella. Peter 常常带着伞; I never drank wine. 我从不喝酒 。 *一般过去时的句型: 1)肯定句:主语+行为动词过去式/be动词过去式: eg : We played football yesterday. I was happy last night. 2)否定句:did not / didn’t + 行为动词原型; Was not / wasn’t + 其他; Were not / weren’t + 其他 eg:I didn’t finish my homework. I wasn’t happy last night. We weren’t finish our team work. 3)一般疑问句:Did + 主语 + 行为动词原型?Was /Were + 主语 + 其他成分; eg: ---Did you go shopping yesterday?---Yes, I did. / No ,I didn’t. Was she 15 years old last year? 3)特殊疑问句;特殊疑问词 + did + 主语 + 行为动词原型?特殊疑问词was / were + 主语 + 其他成分? eg: Where did you go on vacation? When and where were you born?